sub on a budget
Looking for an affordable home
theatre sub that is also tight and musical? L22 uses our proprietary
servo design to gain low frequency clarity and articulation. For
home theatre use, L22 uses two 12" driver to deliver low frequency
impact and output that home theatre demands. While many of our competitors
limit their best technology (such as servo) to their top level models,
we wanted to make Direct Servo affordable, so we've held nothing
back. As a result, you get the tight and music bass you wouldn't
normally expect from a subwoofer at this price range.
Direct Servo Technology
You may have heard about other servo subwoofers which are generally well regarded for their accuracy. It is a well established technology, most often based around an accelerometer which measures cone movement. Our Direct Servo technology has significant advantages over other servo technologies. We use a sensing servo coil which acts like a microphone which compares the original signal to what the subwoofer is actually reproducing. The signal is then corrected instantly to compensate for any differences. Once you understand the concept, you may wonder like we do why anyone would make a subwoofer any other way.
Some of the benefits of Direct Servo include:
- Reduction of the effects of thermal
compression are eliminated under normal operation
- Higher efficiency
allowing output which would normally require a more powerful amplifier
- Deep bass extension can be achieved using
a low mass driver with superior transient response
- Mechanical and thermal memory
effects are reduced, further improving transient response
- Much greater damping control over the cone
with the effective in-box Q value of 0.3 (0.1 for driver itself)
resulting in much tighter and accurate bass than conventional
designs of typical in-box Q value of 0.8-0.9
- Dramatic reduction of the re-radiation
of bass from inside the box
Read more about Direct Servo in our technology section.
animation demonstrating how Direct Servo works 
This budget level sub delivers
the same articulate and tuneful bass that our subs are known for
and yet provides enough HT bass thanks to its sealed design. The
combination of servo and a sealed enclosure is what makes this sub
deliver on both quality and quantity in bass. This model has a 120-240v
switchable power. Price includes shipping to 48 US continental states
only. Shipping to other region or country should inquire us for
actual cost. Shipping and duty to Canada is an additional cost depending
on shipping address.
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